Dosage information
The most commonly used pain medication after a tonsil surgery, for children 3 years and up, are anti-inflamatory pain medication, Ibuprofen/Ipren (also referred to as COX inhibitors, NSAID/non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or Paracetamol – Panodil/Alvedon.
The most adequate pain relief is reached when both anti-inflammatory and paracetamol is administrated TOGETHER.
These guidelines are for Sweden. Other countries may recommend other types of medications.
It is important to follow the prescription given by your child’s doctor or the directions on the label. It’s very important that your child receives the correct dose of medication. The weight of your child determines the amount of medication your child needs.
If your child’s weight is below 10 kg or if your child is under 3 years old, your doctor needs to prescribe the correct dose.
The recommended dosage for your child is the maximum dosage. This is based on your child’s weight. If you have trouble calculating the correct dose, give your child a smaller dose rather than too much.
After calculating the dose, it’s helpful to write it down.