The diagram is an example of information that can be retrieved from the Swedish National Tonsil surgery Register. All figures concern tonsil operations carried out in Sweden in 2019-2020.
Why tonsils are operated on

Tonsils can be removed to treat recurring tonsillitis (infections) or snoring and interrupted breathing during sleep. The pie chart shows how large a share of patients have been operated on for their respective problems.
Causes of recurring tonsillitis: Free from complaints after operation

This bar chart applies to the patients who have been operated on because they have recurring tonsillitis. It shows how large a share of them are completely or almost free from complaints after six months.
Cause of snoring: Free from complaints after operation

These bar charts apply to those patients who are operated on due to snoring and stopping breathing during their sleep. Two operation methods can be used. One involves the whole tonsils being removed. The other involves only the parts of the tonsils that stick out in the oral cavity being removed. The bar chart shows how large a share of the patients in the respective group are completely or almost free from complaints after six months.
Number of days on pain-relieving medication

The bar chart shows how many days patients have stated that they needed to take pain-relieving medication after the operation. The result is an average value. This value divides the data material into two equal parts. That is to say, there are just as many values over the average as under it. The diagram shows that the patients who only had parts of their tonsils operated removed take pain-relieving medication for fewer days than those who have had their whole tonsils removed. The material shows that those who have their whole tonsils removed have the most pain. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that this is a larger operation. When the cause of the operation is infection, then you must always remove the whole tonsils.
Back to the hospital with bleeding
The bar chart shows the amount of patients who were readmitted to hospital because of bleeding from the mouth. Bleeding is most common from those who have their whole tonsils removed. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that this operation exposes more blood vessels.